Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Funny Thoughts On Life

For Those Who Take Life Toooo Seriously

*Being "over the hill" . . . is much better than being under it 

*Time is the best healer . . . but . . . it kills all it's students

*Santa Claus has the right idea . . . visit people only once a year

*Natural stupidity is better than . . . artificial intelligence

*Whoever said love was easy . . . couldn’t be more wrong! - Lauren-Elise Brush

*Live each day like it's your last . . . one day, you'll get it right

*Ever had amnesia and deja vu at the same time . . . I think I've forgotten this before By the time you find greener pastures . . . your too old to climb the fence

*Rich men get divorced . . . poor men get an allotment.

*Stealing someone else's words . . . spares the embarrassment of eating your own
